Sunday, March 23, 2014

Woods in spring... er, winter...

Spring woods after 15 cm snowfall

Snowshoeing through Spiritwood’s woodland trails revealed plants in their various stages of growth... and death.

A young white birch is losing its “baby bark” and getting its mature white bark. Buds are swelling and before long -- only in a few weeks -- the first furled leaves will appear.

Meanwhile, the trails are blanketed with deep snow. Here, balsam fir and white pine are draped with yesterday’s snowfall while a blue sky peeks through the foliage.

Marcescence: the dead leaves which cling onto twigs is well-illustrated here with the American beech. Isn't that a remarkable blue sky?

Finally, a large poplar windfall reveals a complicated, shallow twist of roots.

Who knows what the morrow will bring? We intend to explore again...