Tuesday, March 31, 2009

March... out like a lamb

Last day of March... In like a lion, out like a lamb. Weather is mild, sunny -- and most of the snow has disappeared. Soon, we'll be riding throughout the property.

More migrants are returning: this morning I saw the first American sparrow hawk perched on an overhead wire looking for movement of prey like voles or mice in the meadow. Yesterday, Eric and I spied the first great blue heron flying overhead.

Meanwhile, for the past week or so we've been seeing increasing numbers of Canada geese in straggling Vs honk as they descend onto our neighbour's field or while doing their fly-past. It's a true sight and sound of spring and we particularly love lying on the [dry] grass, gazing up as they fly overhead. That way, we can hear the "whoosh, whoosh, whoosh" of their wingbeats.

Whiskey, Eric's palomino gelding and Crescent, my red chestnut mare are still shaggy with their winter hair. They rub their butts energetically on the posts we built in their pasture: great clumps of blonde and chestnut hair lie about in the field! When the swallows and other migrants return, we'll see them collecting this as well as mane and tail hair, which they'll weave into their nests.

We're discouraged about all the muskrat damage around the pond: the worst yet. Repair work is needed... again.

On Saturday March 28 -- a glorious sunny day -- we pruned our black currant bushes. They've become extremely vigorous and excellent producers. However, they were growing like Topsy -- and difficult to mow around. Harvesting was getting awkward, too. So, we've trimmed them back. We did the apple trees a while ago, and now we're realizing we ought to prune the grapes.

Happily, all this garden work is just one aspect of what we love about being here at Spiritwood.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like spring is off to a lovely start in Quyon, Katharine! Thanks for sharing--I feel like I'm there. :-)
